Not exactly the cleanest scratching... in fact, I few Rs got scratched into Ps. Luckily, the "winning" information is all in the barcode on the back, so really, the words on the front mean nothing. *Did I just say that?
As expected, the bottom row was vowel-less. Which, I'm learning means that those 5 vowels that seem to be on every card are probably the first 5. Which is kind of frustrating because that means you could figure out if you win by only scratching the bottom 11. That kind of takes the fun out of things!
Thank goodness this card was not a Scrabble rack, because these letters would be pretty tough! And not looking good for the card either.

As expected, I scratched all but the last 5, no vowels, and from what's left, I doesn't look like this one is a winner. Washington State lottery, come on! Be more creative!
I'm going to get two words, and I need at least 4 to win anything. And since they don't consider Y a vowel, not bonus word.
The good news is, the odds of winning on these cards is a little more than one in four, so we've got some winners coming up, stay tuned!
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