First off, you should know how crossword cards work. There are letters that you scratch off, on the Washington State Lottery ones, there are 18, and when we you scratch off a letter, you have to find all examples of that letter on your "board" and scratch those. If you scratch enough letters off your board, or the bonus word, to make a word, you could win. For the cards I bought, I have to get a least 4 complete words, or the bonus word, to win.
The first card's bonus word: annoy.
This is going to be rough.

I also have a theory about these cards, which is that they ALWAYS give you all 5 vowels, so that it feels like you are closer than you really are to
Case and point - this one was looking so good after all those vowels,
But sadly, this is not the big birthday winner. Maybe tomorrow.
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