Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Card 24 - how far would my winnings go in west africa?

After a bit of a rough streak, I decided to break out a real good luck charm... a Ghanaian Cedis coin.  What makes this coin special (besides that I picked it up in west africa of course) is how little its worth.  During my visit, a US dollar was worth close to 10,000 Cedis.  So this 100 Cedis coin was worth about 1 cent.    However, in 2007 the currency was revalued, they basically dropped 4 zeros and now the conversion is a little over 1 to 1 (but don't be mislead, Ghana's per capital income is about $1500/year).   This little coin?  Not worth anything, except luck.  So here we go:
(got to love a country that puts Freedom, Justice and chocolate on their coins)
And its a winner!  Four words equals two dollars.  $27 and counting!

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